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672 lines
File: GXErrors.p
Contains: QuickDraw GX error constants and debugging routines
Version: Technology: Quickdraw GX 1.1
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT GXErrors;
{$SETC __GXERRORS__ := 1}
{$SETC GXErrorsIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$I ConditionalMacros.p}
{$I MixedMode.p}
{$I GXTypes.p}
gxFirstSystemError = -27999; { 0xffff92a1 }
gxFirstFatalError = -27999;
gxLastFatalError = -27951;
gxFirstNonfatalError = -27950;
gxFirstFontScalerError = -27900;
gxLastFontScalerError = -27851;
gxFirstParameterError = -27850;
gxFirstImplementationLimitError = -27800;
gxFirstSystemDebuggingError = -27700;
gxLastSystemError = -27000; { 0xffff9688 }
gxFirstLibraryError = 1048576; { 0x00100000 }
gxLastLibraryError = 2097151; { 0x001fffff }
gxFirstAppError = 2097152; { 0x00200000 }
gxLastAppError = 4194303; { 0x003fffff }
gxFirstSystemWarning = -26999; { 0xffff9689 }
gxFirstResultOutOfRangeWarning = -26950;
gxFirstParameterOutOfRangeWarning = -26900;
gxFirstFontScalerWarning = -26850;
gxFirstSystemDebuggingWarning = -26700;
gxLastSystemWarning = -26000; { 0xffff9a70 }
gxFirstLibraryWarning = 4194304; { 0x00400000 }
gxLastLibraryWarning = 5242879; { 0x004fffff }
gxFirstAppWarning = 5242880; { 0x00500000 }
gxLastAppWarning = 7340031; { 0x006fffff }
gxFirstSystemNotice = -25999; { 0xffff9a71 }
gxLastSystemNotice = -25500; { 0xffff9c64 }
gxFirstLibraryNotice = 7340032; { 0x00700000 }
gxLastLibraryNotice = 7602175; { 0x0073ffff }
gxFirstAppNotice = 7602176; { 0x00740000 }
gxLastAppNotice = 8388607; { 0x007fffff }
{ truly fatal errors }
out_of_memory = -27999;
internal_fatal_error = -27998;
no_outline_font_found = -27997;
not_enough_memory_for_graphics_client_heap = -27996;
could_not_create_backing_store = -27995; { internal errors }
internal_error = -27950;
internal_font_error = -27949;
internal_layout_error = -27948; { recoverable errors }
could_not_dispose_backing_store = -27946;
unflattening_interrupted_by_client = -27945; { font manager errors }
font_cannot_be_changed = -27944;
illegal_font_parameter = -27943; { gxFont scaler errors }
null_font_scaler_context = -27900;
null_font_scaler_input = -27899;
invalid_font_scaler_context = -27898;
invalid_font_scaler_input = -27897;
invalid_font_scaler_font_data = -27896;
font_scaler_newblock_failed = -27895;
font_scaler_getfonttable_failed = -27894;
font_scaler_bitmap_allocation_failed = -27893;
font_scaler_outline_allocation_failed = -27892;
required_font_scaler_table_missing = -27891;
unsupported_font_scaler_outline_format = -27890;
unsupported_font_scaler_stream_format = -27889;
unsupported_font_scaler_font_format = -27888;
font_scaler_hinting_error = -27887;
font_scaler_rasterizer_error = -27886;
font_scaler_internal_error = -27885;
font_scaler_invalid_matrix = -27884;
font_scaler_fixed_overflow = -27883;
font_scaler_api_version_mismatch = -27882;
font_scaler_streaming_aborted = -27881;
unknown_font_scaler_error = -27880; { bad parameters }
parameter_is_nil = -27850;
shape_is_nil = -27849;
style_is_nil = -27848;
transform_is_nil = -27847;
ink_is_nil = -27846;
transferMode_is_nil = -27845;
color_is_nil = -27844;
colorProfile_is_nil = -27843;
colorSet_is_nil = -27842;
spoolProcedure_is_nil = -27841;
tag_is_nil = -27840;
type_is_nil = -27839;
mapping_is_nil = -27838;
invalid_viewDevice_reference = -27837;
invalid_viewGroup_reference = -27836;
invalid_viewPort_reference = -27835; { implementation limits, these should be right before the debugging errors }
number_of_contours_exceeds_implementation_limit = -27800;
number_of_points_exceeds_implementation_limit = -27799;
size_of_polygon_exceeds_implementation_limit = -27798;
size_of_path_exceeds_implementation_limit = -27797;
size_of_text_exceeds_implementation_limit = -27796;
size_of_bitmap_exceeds_implementation_limit = -27795;
number_of_colors_exceeds_implementation_limit = -27794;
procedure_not_reentrant = -27793;
{ internal debugging errors }
functionality_unimplemented = -27700;
clip_to_frame_shape_unimplemented = -27699; { font parameter debugging errors }
illegal_font_storage_type = -27698;
illegal_font_storage_reference = -27697;
illegal_font_attributes = -27696; { parameter debugging errors }
parameter_out_of_range = -27695;
inconsistent_parameters = -27694;
index_is_less_than_zero = -27693;
index_is_less_than_one = -27692;
count_is_less_than_zero = -27691;
count_is_less_than_one = -27690;
contour_is_less_than_zero = -27689;
length_is_less_than_zero = -27688;
invalid_client_reference = -27687;
invalid_graphics_heap_start_pointer = -27686;
invalid_nongraphic_globals_pointer = -27685;
colorSpace_out_of_range = -27684;
pattern_lattice_out_of_range = -27683;
frequency_parameter_out_of_range = -27682;
tinting_parameter_out_of_range = -27681;
method_parameter_out_of_range = -27680;
space_may_not_be_indexed = -27679;
glyph_index_too_small = -27678;
no_glyphs_added_to_font = -27677;
glyph_not_added_to_font = -27676;
point_does_not_intersect_bitmap = -27675;
required_font_table_not_present = -27674;
unknown_font_table_format = -27673; { the styles encoding is not present in the font }
shapeFill_not_allowed = -27672;
inverseFill_face_must_set_clipLayer_flag = -27671;
invalid_transferMode_colorSpace = -27670;
colorProfile_must_be_nil = -27669;
bitmap_pixel_size_must_be_1 = -27668;
empty_shape_not_allowed = -27667;
ignorePlatformShape_not_allowed = -27666;
nil_style_in_glyph_not_allowed = -27665;
complex_glyph_style_not_allowed = -27664;
invalid_mapping = -27663;
cannot_set_item_shapes_to_nil = -27662;
cannot_use_original_item_shapes_when_growing_picture = -27661;
cannot_add_unspecified_new_glyphs = -27660;
cannot_dispose_locked_tag = -27659;
cannot_dispose_locked_shape = -27658; { restricted access }
shape_access_not_allowed = -27657;
colorSet_access_restricted = -27656;
colorProfile_access_restricted = -27655;
tag_access_restricted = -27654;
viewDevice_access_restricted = -27653;
graphic_type_does_not_have_a_structure = -27652;
style_run_array_does_not_match_number_of_characters = -27651;
rectangles_cannot_be_inserted_into = -27650;
unknown_graphics_heap = -27649;
graphics_routine_selector_is_obsolete = -27648;
cannot_set_graphics_client_memory_without_setting_size = -27647;
graphics_client_memory_too_small = -27646;
graphics_client_memory_is_already_allocated = -27645;
viewPort_is_a_window = -27644; { wrong type/bad reference }
illegal_type_for_shape = -27643;
shape_does_not_contain_a_bitmap = -27642;
shape_does_not_contain_text = -27641;
picture_expected = -27640;
bitmap_is_not_resizable = -27639;
shape_may_not_be_a_bitmap = -27638;
shape_may_not_be_a_picture = -27637;
graphic_type_does_not_contain_points = -27636;
graphic_type_does_not_have_multiple_contours = -27635;
graphic_type_cannot_be_mapped = -27634;
graphic_type_cannot_be_moved = -27633;
graphic_type_cannot_be_scaled = -27632;
graphic_type_cannot_be_rotated = -27631;
graphic_type_cannot_be_skewed = -27630;
graphic_type_cannot_be_reset = -27629;
graphic_type_cannot_be_dashed = -27628;
graphic_type_cannot_be_reduced = -27627;
graphic_type_cannot_be_inset = -27626;
shape_cannot_be_inverted = -27625;
shape_does_not_have_area = -27624;
shape_does_not_have_length = -27623;
first_glyph_advance_must_be_absolute = -27622;
picture_cannot_contain_itself = -27621;
viewPort_cannot_contain_itself = -27620;
cannot_set_unique_items_attribute_when_picture_contains_items = -27619;
layer_style_cannot_contain_a_face = -27618;
layer_glyph_shape_cannot_contain_nil_styles = -27617; { validation errors }
object_wrong_type = -27616;
shape_wrong_type = -27615;
style_wrong_type = -27614;
ink_wrong_type = -27613;
transform_wrong_type = -27612;
device_wrong_type = -27611;
port_wrong_type = -27610; { validation cache errors }
shape_cache_wrong_type = -27609;
style_cache_wrong_type = -27608;
ink_cache_wrong_type = -27607;
transform_cache_wrong_type = -27606;
port_cache_wrong_type = -27605;
shape_cache_parent_mismatch = -27604;
style_cache_parent_mismatch = -27603;
ink_cache_parent_mismatch = -27602;
transform_cache_parent_mismatch = -27601;
port_cache_parent_mismatch = -27600;
invalid_shape_cache_port = -27599;
invalid_shape_cache_device = -27598;
invalid_ink_cache_port = -27597;
invalid_ink_cache_device = -27596;
invalid_style_cache_port = -27595;
invalid_style_cache_device = -27594;
invalid_transform_cache_port = -27593;
invalid_transform_cache_device = -27592;
recursive_caches = -27591; { validation shape cache errors }
invalid_fillShape_ownerCount = -27590;
recursive_fillShapes = -27589; { validation memory block errors }
indirect_memory_block_too_small = -27588;
indirect_memory_block_too_large = -27587;
unexpected_nil_pointer = -27586;
bad_address = -27585; { validation object errors }
no_owners = -27584;
invalid_pointer = -27583;
invalid_seed = -27582;
invalid_frame_seed = -27581;
invalid_text_seed = -27580;
invalid_draw_seed = -27579;
bad_private_flags = -27578; { validation path and polygon errors }
invalid_vector_count = -27577;
invalid_contour_count = -27576; { validation bitmap errors }
bitmap_ptr_too_small = -27575;
bitmap_ptr_not_aligned = -27574;
bitmap_rowBytes_negative = -27573;
bitmap_width_negative = -27572;
bitmap_height_negative = -27571;
invalid_pixelSize = -27570;
bitmap_rowBytes_too_small = -27569;
bitmap_rowBytes_not_aligned = -27568;
bitmap_rowBytes_must_be_specified_for_user_image_buffer = -27567; { validation bitmap image errors }
invalid_bitImage_fileOffset = -27566;
invalid_bitImage_owners = -27565;
invalid_bitImage_rowBytes = -27564;
invalid_bitImage_internal_flag = -27563; { validation text errors }
text_bounds_cache_wrong_size = -27562;
text_metrics_cache_wrong_size = -27561;
text_index_cache_wrong_size = -27560; { validation glyph errors }
glyph_run_count_negative = -27559;
glyph_run_count_zero = -27558;
glyph_run_counts_do_not_sum_to_character_count = -27557;
glyph_first_advance_bit_set_not_allowed = -27556;
glyph_tangent_vectors_both_zero = -27555; { validation layout errors }
layout_run_length_negative = -27554;
layout_run_length_zero = -27553;
layout_run_level_negative = -27552;
layout_run_lengths_do_not_sum_to_text_length = -27551; { validation picture errors }
bad_shape_in_picture = -27550;
bad_style_in_picture = -27549;
bad_ink_in_picture = -27548;
bad_transform_in_picture = -27547;
bad_shape_cache_in_picture = -27546;
bad_seed_in_picture = -27545;
invalid_picture_count = -27544; { validation text face errors }
bad_textLayer_count = -27543;
bad_fillType_in_textFace = -27542;
bad_style_in_textFace = -27541;
bad_transform_in_textFace = -27540; { validation transform errors }
invalid_matrix_flag = -27539;
transform_clip_missing = -27538; { validation font cache errors }
metrics_wrong_type = -27537;
metrics_point_size_probably_bad = -27536;
scalar_block_wrong_type = -27535;
scalar_block_parent_mismatch = -27534;
scalar_block_too_small = -27533;
scalar_block_too_large = -27532;
invalid_metrics_range = -27531;
invalid_metrics_flags = -27530;
metrics_maxWidth_probably_bad = -27529;
font_wrong_type = -27528;
font_wrong_size = -27527;
invalid_font_platform = -27526;
invalid_lookup_range = -27525;
invalid_lookup_platform = -27524;
font_not_in_font_list = -27523;
metrics_not_in_metrics_list = -27522; { validation view device errors }
bad_device_private_flags = -27521;
bad_device_attributes = -27520;
invalid_device_number = -27519;
invalid_device_viewGroup = -27518;
invalid_device_bounds = -27517;
invalid_bitmap_in_device = -27516; { validation color set errors }
colorSet_wrong_type = -27515;
invalid_colorSet_viewDevice_owners = -27514;
invalid_colorSet_colorSpace = -27513;
invalid_colorSet_count = -27512; { validation color profile errors }
colorProfile_wrong_type = -27511;
invalid_colorProfile_flags = -27510;
invalid_colorProfile_response_count = -27509; { validation internal backing store errors }
backing_free_parent_mismatch = -27508;
backing_store_parent_mismatch = -27507;
{ warnings about warnings }
warning_stack_underflow = -26999;
warning_stack_overflow = -26998;
notice_stack_underflow = -26997;
notice_stack_overflow = -26996;
about_to_grow_heap = -26995;
about_to_unload_objects = -26994; { result went out of range }
map_shape_out_of_range = -26950;
move_shape_out_of_range = -26949;
scale_shape_out_of_range = -26948;
rotate_shape_out_of_range = -26947;
skew_shape_out_of_range = -26946;
map_transform_out_of_range = -26945;
move_transform_out_of_range = -26944;
scale_transform_out_of_range = -26943;
rotate_transform_out_of_range = -26942;
skew_transform_out_of_range = -26941;
map_points_out_of_range = -26940; { gave a parameter out of range }
contour_out_of_range = -26900;
index_out_of_range_in_contour = -26899;
picture_index_out_of_range = -26898;
color_index_requested_not_found = -26897;
colorSet_index_out_of_range = -26896;
index_out_of_range = -26895;
count_out_of_range = -26894;
length_out_of_range = -26893;
font_table_index_out_of_range = -26892;
font_glyph_index_out_of_range = -26891;
point_out_of_range = -26890;
profile_response_out_of_range = -26889; { gxFont scaler warnings }
font_scaler_no_output = -26850;
font_scaler_fake_metrics = -26849;
font_scaler_fake_linespacing = -26848;
font_scaler_glyph_substitution = -26847;
font_scaler_no_kerning_applied = -26846; { might not be what you expected }
character_substitution_took_place = -26845;
unable_to_get_bounds_on_multiple_devices = -26844;
font_language_not_found = -26843;
font_not_found_during_unflattening = -26842; { storage }
unrecognized_stream_version = -26841;
bad_data_in_stream = -26840;
{ nonsense data }
new_shape_contains_invalid_data = -26700;
new_tag_contains_invalid_data = -26699;
extra_data_passed_was_ignored = -26698;
font_table_not_found = -26697;
font_name_not_found = -26696; { doesn't make sense to do }
unable_to_traverse_open_contour_that_starts_or_ends_off_the_curve = -26695;
unable_to_draw_open_contour_that_starts_or_ends_off_the_curve = -26694;
cannot_dispose_default_shape = -26693;
cannot_dispose_default_style = -26692;
cannot_dispose_default_ink = -26691;
cannot_dispose_default_transform = -26690;
cannot_dispose_default_colorProfile = -26689;
cannot_dispose_default_colorSet = -26688;
shape_direct_attribute_not_set = -26687; { couldn't find what you were looking for }
point_does_not_intersect_port = -26686;
cannot_dispose_non_font = -26685;
face_override_style_font_must_match_style = -26684;
union_of_area_and_length_returns_area_only = -26683;
insufficient_coordinate_space_for_new_device = -26682; { other }
shape_passed_has_no_bounds = -26681;
tags_of_type_flst_removed = -26680;
translator_not_installed_on_this_grafport = -26679;
parameters_have_no_effect = -25999;
attributes_already_set = -25998;
caps_already_set = -25997;
clip_already_set = -25996;
color_already_set = -25995;
curve_error_already_set = -25994;
dash_already_set = -25993;
default_colorProfile_already_set = -25992;
default_ink_already_set = -25991;
default_transform_already_set = -25990;
default_shape_already_set = -25989;
default_style_already_set = -25988;
dither_already_set = -25987;
encoding_already_set = -25986;
face_already_set = -25985;
fill_already_set = -25984;
font_already_set = -25983;
font_variations_already_set = -25982;
glyph_positions_are_already_set = -25981;
glyph_tangents_are_already_set = -25980;
halftone_already_set = -25979;
hit_test_already_set = -25978;
ink_already_set = -25977;
join_already_set = -25976;
justification_already_set = -25975;
mapping_already_set = -25974;
pattern_already_set = -25973;
pen_already_set = -25972;
style_already_set = -25971;
tag_already_set = -25970;
text_attributes_already_set = -25969;
text_size_already_set = -25968;
transfer_already_set = -25967;
translator_already_installed_on_this_grafport = -25966;
transform_already_set = -25965;
type_already_set = -25964;
validation_level_already_set = -25963;
viewPorts_already_set = -25962;
viewPort_already_in_viewGroup = -25961;
viewDevice_already_in_viewGroup = -25960;
geometry_unaffected = -25959;
mapping_unaffected = -25958;
tags_in_shape_ignored = -25957;
shape_already_in_primitive_form = -25956;
shape_already_in_simple_form = -25955;
shape_already_broken = -25954;
shape_already_joined = -25953;
cache_already_cleared = -25952;
shape_not_disposed = -25951;
style_not_disposed = -25950;
ink_not_disposed = -25949;
transform_not_disposed = -25948;
colorSet_not_disposed = -25947;
colorProfile_not_disposed = -25946;
font_not_disposed = -25945;
glyph_tangents_have_no_effect = -25944;
glyph_positions_determined_by_advance = -25943;
transform_viewPorts_already_set = -25942;
directShape_attribute_set_as_side_effect = -25941;
lockShape_called_as_side_effect = -25940;
lockTag_called_as_side_effect = -25939;
shapes_unlocked_as_side_effect = -25938;
shape_not_locked = -25937;
tag_not_locked = -25936;
profile_not_locked = -25936;
lockProfile_called_as_side_effect = -25939;
disposed_dead_caches = -25935;
disposed_live_caches = -25934;
low_on_memory = -25933;
very_low_on_memory = -25932;
transform_references_disposed_viewPort = -25931;
gxGraphicsError = LONGINT;
gxGraphicsWarning = LONGINT;
gxGraphicsNotice = LONGINT;
gxUserErrorProcPtr = ProcPtr; { PROCEDURE gxUserError(status: gxGraphicsError; refcon: LONGINT); C; }
gxUserWarningProcPtr = ProcPtr; { PROCEDURE gxUserWarning(status: gxGraphicsWarning; refcon: LONGINT); C; }
gxUserNoticeProcPtr = ProcPtr; { PROCEDURE gxUserNotice(status: gxGraphicsNotice; refcon: LONGINT); C; }
gxUserErrorUPP = UniversalProcPtr;
gxUserWarningUPP = UniversalProcPtr;
gxUserNoticeUPP = UniversalProcPtr;
uppgxUserErrorProcInfo = $000003C1;
uppgxUserWarningProcInfo = $000003C1;
uppgxUserNoticeProcInfo = $000003C1;
FUNCTION NewgxUserErrorProc(userRoutine: gxUserErrorProcPtr): gxUserErrorUPP;
FUNCTION NewgxUserWarningProc(userRoutine: gxUserWarningProcPtr): gxUserWarningUPP;
FUNCTION NewgxUserNoticeProc(userRoutine: gxUserNoticeProcPtr): gxUserNoticeUPP;
PROCEDURE CallgxUserErrorProc(status: gxGraphicsError; refcon: LONGINT; userRoutine: gxUserErrorUPP);
{To be implemented: Glue to move parameters into registers.}
PROCEDURE CallgxUserWarningProc(status: gxGraphicsWarning; refcon: LONGINT; userRoutine: gxUserWarningUPP);
{To be implemented: Glue to move parameters into registers.}
PROCEDURE CallgxUserNoticeProc(status: gxGraphicsNotice; refcon: LONGINT; userRoutine: gxUserNoticeUPP);
{To be implemented: Glue to move parameters into registers.}
gxUserErrorFunction = gxUserErrorProcPtr;
gxUserWarningFunction = gxUserWarningProcPtr;
gxUserNoticeFunction = gxUserNoticeProcPtr;
common_colors_not_initialized = 1048576;
no_open_picture = 1048577;
picture_already_open = 1048578;
no_open_poly = 1048579;
poly_already_open = 1048580;
no_open_region = 1048581;
region_already_open = 1048582;
no_active_picture = 1048583;
no_picture_drawn = 4194304;
polygons_have_different_size_contours = 4194305;
graphic_type_cannot_be_specifed_by_four_values = 4194306;
graphic_type_cannot_be_specifed_by_six_values = 4194307;
point_expected = 4194308;
line_or_rectangle_expected = 4194309;
curve_expected = 4194310;
graphic_type_does_not_contain_control_bits = 4194311;
request_exceeds_available_data = 4194312;
extra_data_unread = 4194313;
no_variable_length_user_data_saved = 4194314;
zero_length_string_passed = 7340032;
{ These levels tell how to validate routines. Choose one. }
gxNoValidation = $00; { no validation }
gxPublicValidation = $01; { check parameters to public routines }
gxInternalValidation = $02; { check parameters to internal routines }
{ These levels tell how to validate types. Choose one. }
gxTypeValidation = $00; { check types of objects }
gxStructureValidation = $10; { check fields of private structures }
gxAllObjectValidation = $20; { check every object over every call }
{ These levels tell how to validate memory manager blocks. Choose any combination. }
gxNoMemoryManagerValidation = $0000;
gxApBlockValidation = $0100; { check the relevant block structures after each memory mgr. call }
gxFontBlockValidation = $0200; { check the system gxHeap as well }
gxApHeapValidation = $0400; { check the memory manager's gxHeap after every mem. call }
gxFontHeapValidation = $0800; { check the system gxHeap as well }
gxCheckApHeapValidation = $1000; { check the memory manager's gxHeap if checking routine parameters }
gxCheckFontHeapValidation = $2000; { check the system gxHeap as well }
gxValidationLevel = LONGINT;
no_draw_error = 0; { gxShape type errors }
shape_emptyType = 1;
shape_inverse_fullType = 2;
rectangle_zero_width = 3;
rectangle_zero_height = 4;
polygon_empty = 5;
path_empty = 6;
bitmap_zero_width = 7;
bitmap_zero_height = 8;
text_empty = 9;
glyph_empty = 10;
layout_empty = 11;
picture_empty = 12; { general gxShape errors }
shape_no_fill = 13;
shape_no_enclosed_area = 14;
shape_no_enclosed_pixels = 15;
shape_very_small = 16;
shape_very_large = 17;
shape_contours_cancel = 18; { gxStyle errors }
pen_too_small = 19;
text_size_too_small = 20;
dash_empty = 21;
start_cap_empty = 22;
pattern_empty = 23;
textFace_empty = 24;
shape_primitive_empty = 25;
shape_primitive_very_small = 26; { gxInk errors }
transfer_equals_noMode = 27;
transfer_matrix_ignores_source = 28;
transfer_matrix_ignores_device = 29;
transfer_source_reject = 30;
transfer_mode_ineffective = 31;
colorSet_no_entries = 32;
bitmap_colorSet_one_entry = 33; { gxTransform errors }
transform_scale_too_small = 34;
transform_map_too_large = 35;
transform_move_too_large = 36;
transform_scale_too_large = 37;
transform_rotate_too_large = 38;
transform_perspective_too_large = 39;
transform_skew_too_large = 40;
transform_clip_no_intersection = 41;
transform_clip_empty = 42;
transform_no_viewPorts = 43; { gxViewPort errors }
viewPort_disposed = 44;
viewPort_clip_empty = 45;
viewPort_clip_no_intersection = 46;
viewPort_scale_too_small = 47;
viewPort_map_too_large = 48;
viewPort_move_too_large = 49;
viewPort_scale_too_large = 50;
viewPort_rotate_too_large = 51;
viewPort_perspective_too_large = 52;
viewPort_skew_too_large = 53;
viewPort_viewGroup_offscreen = 54; { gxViewDevice errors }
viewDevice_clip_no_intersection = 55;
viewDevice_scale_too_small = 56;
viewDevice_map_too_large = 57;
viewDevice_move_too_large = 58;
viewDevice_scale_too_large = 59;
viewDevice_rotate_too_large = 60;
viewDevice_perspective_too_large = 61;
viewDevice_skew_too_large = 62;
gxDrawError = LONGINT;
FUNCTION GXGetShapeDrawError(source: gxShape): gxDrawError; C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateColorSet(target: gxColorSet); C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateColorProfile(target: gxColorProfile); C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateGraphicsClient(target: gxGraphicsClient); C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateInk(target: gxInk); C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateShape(target: gxShape); C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateStyle(target: gxStyle); C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateTag(target: gxTag); C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateTransform(target: gxTransform); C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateViewDevice(target: gxViewDevice); C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateViewPort(target: gxViewPort); C;
PROCEDURE GXValidateViewGroup(target: gxViewGroup); C;
FUNCTION GXGetValidation: gxValidationLevel; C;
PROCEDURE GXSetValidation(level: gxValidationLevel); C;
FUNCTION GXGetValidationError(procedureName: CStringPtr; VAR argument: UNIV Ptr; VAR argumentNumber: LONGINT): LONGINT; C;
{$SETC UsingIncludes := GXErrorsIncludes}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}